It's okay to not be okay.
It's okay to need moments to yourself.
It's okay to be yourself, even when others do not understand.
The only that is not okay... to suffer in silence. You deserve to be heard, hugged, and helped.Ā
Updated: January 2024
Please find a few resources below that may help you on your journey or support your clients.
If you are taking aĀ course and would like virtual assistance accommodations, we recommend the following assistive technologies:
- Assistive technologies for visual impairment: Screen readers such as JAWS (https://www.freedomscientific.com/products/software/jaws/), screen magnifiers such as Magnifier (http://www.iconico.com/magnifier/), and Braille displays such as The Focus Braille Displays (https://www.freedomscientific.com/products/blindness/focus-blue-family/)
- Assistive technologies for hearing impairment: Speech to text software such as Dragon (https://download.cnet.com/Dragon-Home/3000-7239_4-18799.html)
- For additional assistive technology resources: https://www.cforat.org
If you are working with a client and need to make a referral for anything outside of your scope of practice, you can find a licensed psychologist here:
- https://www.psychology.org.au/Find-a-Psychologist (Australia)
- https://cpa.ca/public/findingapsychologist/ (Canada)
- https://www.bps.org.uk/public/find-psychologist (United Kingdom)
- https://locator.apa.org (United States)
- https://internationaltherapistdirectory.com (Various locations throughout the world)
If you or a client need emergency mental health assistance, you can find resources here:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.8255
- RAINN 24-hour crisis chat feature: RAINN.org
- SAMHSA 24-hour crisis hotline: 1-800-985-5990
- SAMHSA Spanish language support: Text Hablamos to 66746
We will continue to add additional resources to the online portal as we learn of new ones.