Do you want to effortlessly create a sustainable revenue stream in your business with high-impact premium digital products right now??

Grab the Clients & Cash Flow course for only $197

Valued at over $3,000 (and yes, that's real!)


Can you imagine?


Imagine having the freedom to launch premium digital products that effortlessly attract your dream clients...... without the overwhelming stress of constant social media engagement and burnout from live launches that don’t deliver.

  • Discover how to increase your cash flow and establish yourself as an industry authority without sacrificing your well-being or personal time.
  • Learn how to create and launch your premium digital products in just 5 days, so you can work with your dream clients, and not have to worry about when your next Zoom call is.
  • Understand why the traditional approach of relentless live launching is wrong-and why this new, strategic method can lead to remarkable success.
  • Remove the frustration of low engagement and inconsistent sales, so you can experience the satisfaction of steady, reliable income.
  • The STRATEGIES about how creating a seamless sales funnel and engaging live stream series can grow your visibility and put your business in front of ready to buy clients even if you have a super small audience.

What if you could finally overcome these problems and enjoy increased visibility, authority, and be the CEO of a thriving AND PROFITABLE business?

There's just one problem...

Creating products & services is not the problem.

What you need is a clear, effective strategy to to sell premium digital products and see a real difference in your bank account...

  • You're spending countless hours on social media, but the engagement isn't translating into consistent sales.
  • You're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from the never-ending cycle of live launches that don’t deliver the results you need.
  • You're struggling to stand out in a crowded market, making it hard to attract ready to go clients who actually see the value in what you do.
  • You're constantly worried about where your next client will come from, keeping you up at night and adding unnecessary stress to your life.

Here's the truth:

It doesn't have to be this way

In just 5 days...Imagine what your life would be like if you followed the exact same steps I teach in the course.

You could…

  • Develop a high-impact 5-day live stream series that captures attention and drives engagement.
  • Create a seamless sales funnel that converts followers into paying clients.
  • Position yourself to attract your dream clients effortlessly.
  • Gain confidence in your ability to launch and sell premium digital products.
  • Implement proven strategies to keep your audience engaged and excited.
  • Build a strong foundation for sustainable business growth.

That scenario isn’t a pipe dream.

My clients and I experienced all these things as a result of the strategies you’ll learn.

You could, too, by putting the information I teach in Clients & Cash Flow to work for you.




So here’s the bottom line with Clients & Cash Flow

It's a 5-module online, video-based training program where I’ll teach you how to effortlessly plan and launch your premium digital products using my proven 5-day live stream series format.

If you’ve been looking for someone to “take you by the hand” and show you exactly what it takes to create a thriving, sustainable business with premium digital products, then Clients & Cash Flow is for you.

Here's what's included

Everything You Need To Effortlessly Plan, Launch, & Sell Your Premium Digital Product


Clarify Your Work - Define Your Foundation

  • Identify High-Value Clients: Learn to craft a premium digital offer that attracts clients who are perfectly aligned with your business.
  • Master Client Connection: Unlock your selling potential with strategies to connect deeply with your dream clients.
  • Choose Your Impact Topic: Discover how to select topics that captivate your audience and position you as an industry authority.

Connect With Your Community - Outline Your Strategy

  • Structure for Success: Design a premium digital product and live stream series that engages and converts your audience.
  • Craft Impactful Content: Develop compelling content and use proven templates to ensure your message resonates.
  • Build Pre-Launch Engagement: Create excitement and anticipation with effective pre-launch strategies and social media strategies.

Communicate Your Value -Selling Your High-Impact Premium Digital Product

  • Create Your Offer: Develop a focused mini-course toolkit offer that provides immense value to your clients.
  • Write Persuasive Copy: Learn to craft persuasive sales copy that drives conversions and sales.
  • Execute Your Live Stream Series: Confidently host your live stream series, delivering content that engages and converts.

And since I'm extra af...

When you enroll, you'll also get instant access to these ready to go bonuses, crafted to simplify and streamline your implementation, making your journey to success even smoother


Create A Sales System That Continues Your Momentum

(VALUE: $297)

  • Meet the Funnel: Discover the essential steps to set up and optimize a premium digital product sales funnel that continues to generate revenue long after your live series ends, ensuring consistent and reliable income.
  • Optimize Your Funnel Pages: Learn to create effective registration, thank you, checkout and upsell pages that enhance the client experience, making the entire process smooth and professional, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Selling With Human Design

 (VALUE: $111)

  • Energy Types: Unlock the power of your unique energy type to sell more effectively. This personalized approach ensures that your sales strategies align perfectly with your natural strengths, making the sales process feel authentic and effortless.
  • Profile Lines: Gain deep insights into your profile lines and discover how they influence your selling strategy. This knowledge allows you to tailor your approach to resonate deeply with your audience, enhancing your ability to connect and convert.

Everything You Need to Achieve Effortless Planning and Successful Launching

(Value: $1,200 - that's $50 a template, which is still much cheaper than a copywriter)

Clients & Cash Flow includes 24 fill-in-the-blank templates that are 80% done for you and come with full instructions to make creating your content a breeze. These templates cover:

  • Email Templates: Craft compelling email sequences to nurture and convert your audience.
  • Social Media Captions: Engage your followers with pre-written, high-impact social media captions.
  • Pre-Launch Strategies: Execute effective pre-launch strategies with ready-to-use templates.
  • Funnel Copy: Optimize every step of your sales funnel with templates for registration, thank you, and upsell pages.

These resources, which would typically cost over $5,000 if created by a professional copywriter, are included to simplify and streamline your implementation, ensuring your journey to success is smooth and efficient.


Fueling Your Growth With A Social Selling Machine

(Value: $197) 

  • Create a Powerful Social Selling Machine: Master the art of social selling with a step-by-step guide.
  • Move Leads to Clients: Learn how to move people from perfectly aligned leads to perfectly aligned clients.
  • Build Trust with Long-Form Content: Use long-form audio and video content to build trust and drive engagement.
  • Integrate Premium Digital Products: Seamlessly integrate your premium digital products with your high-ticket offers for maximum impact.


How does this sound?

Your life after taking implementing everything you learned in Clients & Cash Flow...

Imagine confidently launching premium digital products that attract your ideal clients effortlessly, all while enjoying more freedom and less stress. After completing Clients & Cash Flow, you'll find yourself in a position where:

  • You have a clear and effective strategy to consistently launch and sell premium digital products.
  • Your business is generating reliable income without the constant hustle and burnout from social media and live launches.
  • You're recognized as an authority in your industry, with a loyal and engaged audience that trusts and values your expertise.
  • You have a streamlined, automated sales process that works for you, freeing up your time to focus on what you love.
  • You're building meaningful connections with clients who are perfectly aligned with your offerings and understand your unique value proposition.

Get Started Today!

Total Value = $1,805... and that's just the bonuses.

The entire Clients & Cash Flow course, including all these incredible bonuses, is available to you today and only on this page for only $127!

(Regularly priced at $197)

This is your chance to elevate your business with a proven, step-by-step system that will simplify your processes and amplify your results. Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer—transform your business and secure your future success now!



Phase 1: Clarify Your Work - Define Your Foundation
(Total Value: $400)

  • Identify High-Value Clients - (Value: $100)
  • Master Client Connection - (Value: $150)
  • Choose Your Impact Topic - (Value: $150)

Phase 2: Connect With Your Community - Outline Your Strategy
(Total Value: $400)

  • Structure for Success - (Value: $100)
  • Craft Impactful Content - (Value: $150)
  • Build Pre-Launch Engagement - (Value: $150)

Phase 3: Deliver Your Value
(Total Value: $400)

  • Create Your Offer - (Value: $100)
  • Write Persuasive Copy - (Value: $150)
  • Execute Your Live Stream Series - (Value: $150)

Plus Your Clients & Cash Flow Exclusive Bonuses

Create A Sales System That Continues Your Momentum (VALUE: $297)

Selling With Human Design (VALUE: $111)

Everything You Need to Achieve Effortless Planning and Successful Launching (Value: $1,200 - that's $50 a template, which is still much cheaper than a copywriter)

Fueling Your Growth With A Social Selling Machine (Value: $197)




I’m Kim McCarter, a seasoned business breakthrough coach and funnel expert with over a decade of experience turning entrepreneurial dreams into thriving realities.

I;I've cracked the code on creating impactful digital products and sustainable revenue streams, blending formal education with street-smart, self-taught techniques.

My strategies that don’t just work—they help you shine.

I’m here for the community, the authenticity, and the empowerment. My mission? To help you cultivate a life of abundance, fulfillment, and authentic success, all while staying true to who you are.

Clients & Cash Flow is a cumulation of my experience and passion. It’s your golden ticket to effortlessly planning and launching premium digital products that attract your dream clients and boost your income with ease.


2023 was a year for me, and not in a good way...

Last year, I hit a major business slump. The strategies that once worked seemed to lose their magic, and I found myself at a crossroads. I knew I had to dig deep and get back to basics—the core techniques that had fueled my initial success.

So, I went back to what I knew worked. I re-engaged with my community through live streams, and I created high-impact premium digital products that resonated with my audience. The transformation was incredible. By removing the unnecessary noise and focusing on what truly mattered, I was able to:

  • Save time: Streamlined my process, allowing me to focus on delivering value rather than juggling endless tasks.
  • Boost income: Developed a steady stream of revenue from premium digital products that my audience couldn’t resist.
  • Engage deeply: Built a thriving community of loyal followers who were genuinely invested in my offerings.
  • Achieve key results: Created and launched products that not only attracted dream clients but also solidified my position as an authority in my field. 

Clients & Cash Flow embodies these principles. It’s designed to help you achieve these same results without the guesswork. Imagine having a clear, effective strategy to effortlessly plan and launch your premium digital products, attract your ideal clients, and boost your income—all while staying true to your authentic self.

By focusing on what works and engaging deeply with your community, you’ll experience the satisfaction of steady, reliable income and the fulfillment of running a business that aligns with your passions and strengths.



"If you lie, you will cheat. If you will cheat, you will steal. Do what you say you are going to do, and if you can't do it - TELL THE PERSON."

With this code in mind and the instant access you will have to Clients & Clients, there will be no refunds available. However, if you feel anything is missing from the system, please reach out to the SMSS Academy and we will promptly rectify the situation.

Earnings Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee how much money you will make with any of the products & service I offer. One - it's illegal. The US Federal Trade Commission does not like earnings guarantees or false promises. Two - you'll get out of the system what you put into it. I promise to give you the tools. I'm taking your virtual word that you'll do the work.

Are you still scrolling?

Let's get real for a moment. You're here because you know there's more for you. More clients, more income, more fulfillment. But deep down, it's about so much more than that, isn't it?

You want to create a business that not only pays the bills but also brings joy and purpose to your life. You’re ready to break free from the constant hustle and finally have a strategy that works, without sacrificing your well-being.

You deserve to:

  • Feel confident knowing you have a clear, actionable plan to attract and retain your dream clients.
  • Experience freedom from the stress and burnout of ineffective strategies and endless social media engagement.
  • Build a legacy that not only supports your financial goals but also aligns with your passion and purpose.
  • Make a difference in the lives of your clients with high-impact products that truly resonate.

Imagine what your life will look like when you have a business that works for you, not the other way around. Imagine the satisfaction of steady, reliable income, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're making a real impact.

Clients & Cash Flow is your next step to making this vision a reality. This is your moment to take action, to invest in yourself and your future. Don’t let this opportunity slip away.

Enroll now and transform your business with strategies that are soulful, aligned, and unapologetically powerful.

Click the button below to get started. Your future self will thank you.



Phase 1: Clarify Your Work - Define Your Foundation
(Total Value: $400)

  • Identify High-Value Clients - (Value: $100)
  • Master Client Connection - (Value: $150)
  • Choose Your Impact Topic - (Value: $150)

Phase 2: Connect With Your Community - Outline Your Strategy
(Total Value: $400)

  • Structure for Success - (Value: $100)
  • Craft Impactful Content - (Value: $150)
  • Build Pre-Launch Engagement - (Value: $150)

Phase 3: Deliver Your Value
(Total Value: $400)

  • Create Your Offer - (Value: $100)
  • Write Persuasive Copy - (Value: $150)
  • Execute Your Live Stream Series - (Value: $150)

Plus Your Clients & Cash Flow Exclusive Bonuses

Create A Sales System That Continues Your Momentum (VALUE: $297)

Selling With Human Design (VALUE: $111)

Everything You Need to Achieve Effortless Planning and Successful Launching (Value: $1,200 - that's $50 a template, which is still much cheaper than a copywriter)

Fueling Your Growth With A Social Selling Machine (Value: $197)