Turn Strangers Into High-Quality Clients With The Attract & Sign Sales System

A Step-By-Step Sales System To Help Coaches & Healers Launch Or Fill Their Offers With High-Quality Clients In As Quickly As 30 Days


I see you out here hustlin' to grow your coaching or healing business.

You're putting in the work, trying different strategies, and doing all the things you've been told will bring in the clients and sales.

But let's get real for a second.

How's that been working out for you?

Have you been using temporary solutions like free discovery calls, social media posts, or discounts to try to attract clients? And yet, you still find yourself struggling to book consistent clients and hit your income goals.

It's frustrating, isn't it?

Not to mention, it's draining your energy and making you question whether this whole business thing is even worth it.

There was a time when I couldn't figure it out either. I was throwing noodles at the wall and hoping the stick. I was getting clients here and there. But not the massive influx that I was told was possible. I knew I had to figure it out if I wanted my business to work. And I had to figure it out QUICKLY.

It was starting to get real in the internet streets.


The truth is...

Achieving this goal is easier said than done.

I want you to know. You're not alone. I see this happening to so many Coaches & Healers who are trying to grow their business without a solid strategy in place. And that's where the problem lies.

Without a proven system to attract and sign high-paying clients, you'll continue to struggle and feel stuck in your business. It's time to stop the cycle of temporary solutions and start building a strong foundation for your business's success.

After years of experience in the coaching industry, I've noticed five mistakes most coaches and healers make before working with me. Do these sound familiar?

  • You're struggling to consistently attract your ideal clients and increase your sales, which is causing financial stress and limiting your ability to grow your business.
  • You're not effectively communicating the value of your offer, resulting in potential clients not understanding why they should invest in your services.
  • You're wasting time and energy on ineffective marketing strategies that aren't reaching your target audience, which is causing burnout and frustration.
  • You're not fully understanding your target audience and their pain points, resulting in a disconnect between your offer and their needs.
  • You're lacking a proven sales system, which is causing missed opportunities and lost revenue.

Here's the truth:

It doesn't have to be this way

The Attract & Sign Sales System addresses all of these pain points and more. With this program, you’ll be able to confidently attract and convert your ideal clients, increase your sales, and grow your business with ease. Don't let these mistakes hold you back any longer, it's time to take action and transform your business.


The Attract & Signs Sales System

The Attract and Sign Sales System is designed to take you from where you are now to where you want to be, with a focus on helping you attract and sign your ideal clients. From start to finish, I will guide you through each step of the process to ensure that you have the knowledge and tools to make your business thrive.

Proven roadmap

This course includes detailed training on how to research your target audience, validate your offer, and create a sales funnel that converts.

Sales Scripts

I will provide you with a proven sales script that has been tested and refined to ensure maximum success.

Lifetime Access

Once you enroll in the Attract and Sign Sales System, you'll have lifetime access to the program, including any updates and new training materials we add in the future.

Streamlined Strategy

You can have the Attract & Sign Sales System running in your business in less than 30 days.

The Attract & Sign Sales Systems gives you a step-by-step plan to launch a new coaching offer, program, or personal service or fill your existing ones. As a curious and overthinking Coach or Healer, I know that you need to see the big picture, which is why the modules provide you with a clear roadmap to create, implement, and use the sales system.


Let me give you everything you need to achieve your sales goals.

Module 1

The Sales System Overview

I understand that you need to see the big picture to feel confident in taking action. That's why I give you an overview of how to create, implement, and use the sales system. With this module, you'll clearly understand how our system works and how it will benefit your coaching or healing business.

Module 2

It's Time To Fill In The Results Gap

To gain the trust of potential clients, you need to communicate the value of your offer through results-driven content. In this module, I will teach you how to create content that cuts through the noise and shows potential clients the value of your offer. You'll learn how to build rapport from the first hello and how to create a relationship with potential clients that leads to a transformational experience.

Module 3

Fine Tuning Your Application Process

Your application process is your ultimate line of defense when it comes to qualifying leads and gaining insight into your audience. With this secret weapon, you'll not only be able to close the sale in Lesson 6, but you'll also gather valuable market research. This module includes more than 15 questions you can ask to fight objections, assert your coaching boundaries, and avoid price seekers.

Module 4

Getting The Yes, Simplified

In this module, you'll learn how to lock down high-value clients in less than 30 minutes with our simple six-question sales call script. Our system includes objection scripts, follow-up scripts, and more, so you'll have everything you need to master sales and turn high-value leads into highly transformational clients.

I love a good moment of reflection

Imagine how much different your business could look if...

  • You had a steady stream of high-paying, dream clients who value your work and can't wait to work with you.
  • You no longer struggled with undercharging or feeling guilty about charging what you're worth, and instead, confidently charge premium prices that reflect the value you bring.
  • You had a sales system in place that consistently attracts and signs on new clients, freeing up your time to focus on the work you love and making a bigger impact in your industry.
  • You felt empowered and confident in your ability to grow your business and create the lifestyle you desire without sacrificing your values or authenticity.
Are you ready to achieve your sales goals? You can lock in your copy of the Attract & Sign Sales System For Just...

one time investment


  • Access to the Attract & Sign Sales System curriculum (Value $2,000)
  • Sales Lead Tracker ($200) 
  • Energetic Sales Email Follow-Up Sequence (Value $1,000)
  • Clarity & Mindset Training (Value $200) 
  • Lifetime Access To Updates (Value $2,000)

The Attract & Sign Sales System is valued at over $5,000, but we're offering it for only $500. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your coaching or healing business to the next level. Enroll now and start attracting and signing high-value clients today!


And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

Claim Your Worth & Get Out Of Your Way

Learn how to master your sales conversations and get more YESes when you lead with authority from the first hello. 

Bonus #2

Market Research Toolkit

Access to my market research templates and the strategy that I use in my business to figure out what my perfectly aligned clients actually WANT. This step-by-step system will give you the exact process to teach you how to uncover the words you need to use to actually book out your offers or fill your program.

These bonuses are worth their weight in gold and they’re all yours when you sign up for the Attract & Sign Sales System.


I am designed to help you make more money.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way. Let's do some introductions.

My mother named me Kimberly; YOU CAN call me Kim... just never ever call me Kimmy.

I know you're here because you're ready to unlock your potential as a powerful, heart-centered Coach or Healer. You're passionate about your work and want to build a thriving business that allows you to live your dream lifestyle while making a difference in the world.

I am a Business Growth Strategist that helps coaches and healers attract high-value clients and grow their businesses to six figures and beyond.

As a seasoned entrepreneur with over a decade of experience, I have successfully built and scaled multiple businesses from the ground up. My expertise includes creating and implementing effective marketing and sales strategies that generate consistent revenue and attract the right clients.

I have coached and mentored hundreds of clients throughout my career, helping them achieve their business goals and realize their dreams. My proven track record includes helping clients to launch successful online programs, increase their sales by 300%, and scale their businesses to multiple six figures in revenue.

Currently, I serve my perfectly aligned clients by offering personalized coaching and consulting services and sharing my knowledge and expertise through my online courses and workshops. I am dedicated to empowering my clients to achieve their goals and create the life and business they desire.

This is possible for you too.

Your path to your goal

1. Join Course Name

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details.

2. Dive in and take action

Dive into the content and take action. Can’t start right away? It's okay, you have lifetime access to the course.

3. Reach your goal

Finally feel confident to achieve your goal. From this topic to this topic, you'll learn everything you need to succeed. 


Growing up in West Philly, We Had A Code

And throughout my time as a business owner, I've honored this code.

"If you lie, you will cheat. If you will cheat, you will steal. Do what you say you are going to do, and if you can't do it - TELL THE PERSON."

My promise is to deliver you with everything I've promised. And if I cannot, I'll fix it.

Earnings Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee how much money you will make with the Attract & Sign Sales System. One - it's illegal, and the US Federal Trade Commission does not like earnings guarantees. Two - you'll get out of the system what you put into it. I promise to give you the tools. I'm taking your virtual word that you'll do the work.

The Attract & Sign Sales System may be a fit for you:

  • If you are a Coach, Healer, or Small Business Owner who wants to confidently sell their services and create a thriving business.

  •  If you struggle with filling your client roster or converting leads, the Attract & Sign Sales System is for you.

  • Whether you're a beginner or experienced in your field, this system provides a step-by-step plan to help you achieve your sales goals.

While the Attract & Sign Sales System is designed to benefit a wide range of coaches and healers, it may not be the best fit for those who:

  • Are not committed to taking action and implementing the strategies outlined in the course. 
  • Are not open to new ideas or trying new approaches to growing their business. 
  • Are not willing to invest time and effort into developing and refining their sales process.

You know that once you can implement the Attract & Sign Sales System, you'll finally be able to take your coaching business to the next level.

No more struggling to fill your calendar or feeling unsure about how to reach your target audience. You'll have the tools and knowledge to attract and sign on your ideal clients with ease.

So, are you ready to invest in yourself and your business?


The Attract & Sign Sales System is the missing piece you need to create the thriving coaching business you deserve. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back any longer. Let's make your dreams a reality.

Real talk, my friend

Here are just a few of the BIG results you can expect from the Attract and Sign Sales System:

  • Consistently attracting your ideal clients
  • Increased sales and revenue for your coaching or healing business
  • A deep understanding of your target audience and what they truly desire
  • A validated offer that speaks directly to your ideal clients' needs
  • A strategic marketing plan to effectively promote and sell your offer
  • The confidence to sell with ease and grace without feeling pushy or salesy.

What if attracting high-value clients no longer required headaches, heartache, or hustle?


Your sole job when attracting and selling clients into your offers is to convince them that with your help you can get them closer to their goals… …I’ve put together a done-for-you on-demand sales system that will attract premium & high-ticket clients who are already in your audience so that you can quit hustling backward and start talking to people who are ready to move forward…  

Let me show you how to increase the commas in your bank account with the Attract & Sign Sales System.


one time investment


  • Access to the Attract & Sign Sales System curriculum (Value $2,000)
  • Sales Lead Tracker ($200) 
  • Energetic Sales Email Follow-Up Sequence (Value $1,000)
  • Clarity & Mindset Training (Value $200) 
  • Lifetime Access To Updates (Value $2,000)

You deserve to attract the right clients to your brand… AND get more YESes (without having to work 10-hour social media shifts in order to make it happen). Enroll now and start attracting and signing high-value clients today!