Your journey to living your best life should not feel like a dumpster fire with uncontrolled flames.

You deserve results, support, and access to a proven way to get there.


Most coaches will tell you that your thoughts are limiting beliefs and scarcity stinking up your thinking...but, you know it's something more going on.

You feel disconnected from your business.

Your results don't match the amount of work you are doing.

And it's a problem you are determined to fix.

The moments when you do not feel like yourself because you are just moving from step to step without time or understanding or enough audacity to question the process.

The moments when you find yourself wondering...

Why it feels like you practically begging people to believe in what you offer...

The times when you question why you are putting so much pressure on yourself, but then remember you are doing it for your family...

The launch cycles were you go all in only to get to the end and feel your efforts did not match your outcomes...

Then, there are the doubts, confusion, and triggers.

The moment when a random phone call from a family member or friend forces you to send it to voicemail because you just know they want something you do not have to give. Little do they know... while you have it all together on the outside, you are holding it all together by a thread, a wing, and a few prayers.

The times when you know there is more to your story than the life you are living. You sense the need to do more, and you cannot quite figure out what more is. So you study, and you pray... and the hamster wheel just keeps on spinning.

Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months. Months turn into years.

And now here you are.

Proud of what you’ve done. 

Wanting more.

The dream you’ve been sold.

The desires of your heart.

  • To be a high-earning business owner who enjoys the fruits of her labor.
  • The aligned business model that effortlessly attracts clients who are ready to get started.
  • Spending time with family without having to worry about how the business is doing.
  • Producing content that you are no longer forced to create and that you are excited to put into the world.
  • A loving and respected partner who wants to grow with you.

And I could keep going. 

I get it because I’ve been exactly where you are.

But before I tell you my story, I want you to know that you can have everything you desire. Our lives were perfectly planned for us. It is our human will and lived experiences that can turn a perfect plan into a rocky adventure. And while the roads are bumpy, you and I know that they were needed.

Amidst these spirals of doubts and relentless hustling, I discovered the key – Human Design. This wasn't just a tool; it offered insights into my unique way of navigating the world and aligning my business strategy with my true self.

In 2015, I went from trying to figure out how to grow my business to having more than enough to work for myself.

I had the impressive bank account, the well paid team, and status on the social streets.

It looked like I had it all together.

Until I didn’t.

I started looking around and wondering...

  • Whose life am I living?
  • Why am I chasing goals I care nothing about?
  • Why are there so many hands out?
  • Where is all of the money I made?

I was spiraling.

I had more bills and responsibilities than I could imagine, so I did what I had to do. I sold more. I took on more clients. There were days when I avoided clients because I didn’t want to deal with them. I served people with a level of excellence, and they never had a clue about how I felt.

I remember a coach telling me, “You don’t have to like to like; they just have to pay you.”

Here’s my truth... I wanted to like them. I wanted to be excited to talk to the people I was serving. I wanted to enjoy it.

From these very struggles, I discovered the power of aligning my business with my true self. This alignment wasn't just about making money; it was about finding joy and fulfillment in every client interaction in every project.

It took me almost two years to figure out what was missing. 

I wanted to figure it out. I needed to figure it out.

I joined the programs. I repeated the affirmations. I journaled. I prayed. I worshipped. 

And with each step, I promised... if you lead me to the answer, I’ll share it with the world.

And one day, I found it. 

It was in this whirlwind of exhaustion and doubt that I found clarity. I realized that success isn't just about working harder; it's about working in harmony with my innate strengths and values.

All of the work I’ve done. The digital product here. The course there. The high-ticket. The low-ticket. The done-for-you. The done-with-you. The 1:1s. The masterminds. The cohorts.

Rather than just helping, I moved into transformation. I started attracting clients I loved working with and also began enjoying my work like never before. 

My clients felt this change, and they wanted to know what I changed.

Ty Johnson Anderson

Tasha Christy

How would your life change if you were income choking at $2,000 per month and shifted into a $10K earner in less than a month

I was stuck at around $2k per month in my business, and I was really frustrated about it. Kim helped to get clear on what I really wanted my business and life to look like. She helped me get clear on my offers and the inner beliefs that were keeping me stuck. I committed to focusing on the action items she assigned to me for 30 days and in the month of November had my first 10k month in my business ever!

Patrice Lindo

What would happen if you decided that your dreams are more important than your hold on fear?

  • She launched an online course and sold six spots.
  • She created a high-ticket corporate package and opened discussions with ten corporations interested in learning more about her five-figure offer.
  • She signed her first 1:1 coaching client.
  • She found renewed confidence to show up consistently for her audience unapologetically.
The real answer. Nothing changed.

I stepped into who I was always meant to be. The ME that was created for this world. The creation of the Divine. The ME that was deeply hidden because of how I was taught to move through society in a respectable and acceptable manner.

I found Human Design. A self-discovery tool that uses your birth information to put into words what you have been feeling on a soul level but couldn’t quite explain without sounding like you didn’t have it together. 

Human Design helped me understand how I process information and allowed me to understand the repeated “one step forward, three steps back” moments in my life. It gave me the language to express my feelings and create boundaries that helped me stay on an aligned success path.

It’s helped my clients as well.

Previous Client Results have included:

  • Unshakeable confidence in their work, even when faced with uncertainty and still attracting higher-paying clients.
  • Going from earning less than $50,000 per year to generating over $300,000 in a single year.
  • Hitting the infamous six- and multi-six-figure mark.
  • Articles going viral.
  • Spiritual gifts awakening.
  • Being seen as an authority in their industry.
  • Creating and filling the group programs.
  • Hiring new team members.
  • No loss of business during the pandemic (in fact, my clients have seen their results rise by up to 300%).
  • Attracting soul-aligned partnerships and friendships.

Here’s the thing I want you to know. I didn’t just download my Human Design chart and read a few paragraphs or books about what it means to be a Manifesting Generator to change my life or the lives of others.

Before I could help anyone, I had to do it for myself.

Why did the words give me comfort?

Why did I finally feel seen, heard, and hugged?

How was it giving me sanctuary?

Yes, I found sanctuary.

sanc·tu·ar·y Noun 1. a place of refuge or safety.

A place where I felt safe to explore the patterns, behaviors, and beliefs I had about what it meant to be successful, have money, and show up on the internet. I had a chance to understand why these thoughts and feelings were not supportive of the life I wanted to create.

I explored it all. 

My financial fears: What I thought about money. How I responded to money. The narratives I’d been told and believed about money.

The language I spoke: How I spoke about money. How I spoke about myself. How I spoke about others. 

Where I focused my energy: My relationship with God. How I showed up. How I kept my home. 

When you find a place that gives you permission to be vulnerable enough to receive the answers you need to live unapologetically authentic, you have found your sanctuary in the world.

As I created new supportive beliefs around money, I realized the purpose of money. I learned how to shift into a state of receiving to co-create my dreams by attracting money. Through my experiences, I learned how to generate, attract, and receive money in a way that aligned with my mission, fit my personality, and fully supported me.

In the last four years, I have shared this work privately with clients. We all receive money in different ways, but the results of living an aligned life are: Having more confidence around money, experiencing more options and opportunities for earning money, receiving unexpected income (checks, raises, promotions, etc.), and overall experiencing a more supportive relationship with money.

My understanding of how the energetic blueprint of my human design chart affects my vibrations of money, wealth, abundance, and overflow has continued to expand.

My relationship with money, the way I relate to it, and the way I work with it continues to grow and expand. Even with challenges, I now have a process that can turn almost any situation around almost immediately.

Tiffany Gibson

How would your life change if you learned how to create magic in all areas of your life?

“Kim is an expert in helping Black women coaches simplify their sales, showcase their value, and demand high ticket clients with ease. Her service delivery is authentic and relatable, and your methods work!"

In just 12 months, Tiffany activated Big Profit Energy™ and manifested more than she had planned. Her life AND business have exploded. By rewriting her success story, she has created a virtual membership community for nurses, increased her email list, and lost her fear around offering VIP Days at a high-ticket price point that is respective of her experience and genius.

As she found confidence and comfortability, she has received high-level recognition at work, has been honored by National Black Nurses Association, and is the host of Tiff Talks Tuesday for Cherokee Uniforms.

Ty Johnson Anderson

Famira Green

How much easier would it feel to go after your goals if you knew exactly what to do and when?

“I'm someone who's invested in other mindset and manifestation programs that couldn't tap into my experience as a Black woman, and Kim did just that. This made all the difference in the world. Doing the Big Goal exercise has been invaluable to me. It shifted something within and activated all the other spiritual and self-development work I’d previously learned. I've been surpassing my money goals since doing that exercise with Kim."

Famira hit her first five-figure month after completing her Profit Activation Timeline.

Here’s how The Sanctuary can help you create a new story with money and live a life that mimics your wildest dreams.

The Big Profit Energy Success Plan
  • Master the art of designing a 12-month profit and success plan that not only catapults your business to new heights but also creates the space for a fulfilling life.
  • Embrace an aligned approach where hitting big goals becomes a celebration, not just a task. Uncover the secrets to crafting a plan that grows your profitability and nurtures a life rich in joy, fulfillment, and meaningful experiences.
  • Merge faith and business strategies to create a thriving and purposeful business, guided by your unique vision and divine energy. 
The 90-Day Manifestation Plans
  • Experience the transformative power of 90-day manifestation cycles. Every 90 days, you will receive access to a brand new 90-day manifestation plan that will support you in achieving bigger, bolder goals. The 90-Day Manifestation Plans give you everything you need to align your thoughts, actions, and energies to manifest your desires quickly.
  • Dive into a world of daily routines, journal prompts, affirmations, and visualization exercises – a holistic approach to manifesting your goals and unlocking your true potential.
  • Learn the art of aligning with your higher and future self, paving the way for a bigger transformation in your personal and professional life.
Elevate & Align Monthly Bundle
  • Big Profit Energy Wealth Themes: Stay attuned to the energetic frequencies moving through the universe each month. Learn how to align these energies with your sales and marketing strategies for amplified success.
  • Manifestation for Every Entrepreneur: Whether you resonate with human design or not, the monthly plan is tailored to work for all entrepreneurs seeking to manifest their dreams with intention and clarity.
  • Bonus Human Design Content (for those who desire it) delivered each month: Understand how each monthly theme affects different human design types, empowering you to tailor your approach and leverage these energies for maximum impact.

 The Sanctuary offers a dynamic, fully digital experience:

  • Audio Lessons: Accessible through a podcast player, it takes you through a step-by-step process for realigning your success strategy. The Sanctuary core curriculum is released bi-weekly.
  • Innovative Guidebooks: Far beyond typical workbooks, it includes transcripts, detailed instructions, meditations, affirmations, and more, offering a comprehensive toolkit for transformation.

Then, there are these amazing bonuses:

  • Sanctuary Toolkit: The Sanctuary Toolkit will help you learn how to leverage your Human Design chart, unlocking strategies tailored to your energetic blueprint. Create business goals and a personalized success plan that aligns with your true self. 
  • Annual Community Access: Join a supportive network where you can be heard, helped, or hugged in a virtual setting.
  • Interactive Sessions: Engage in monthly live group discussions for deeper insights and connection.
  • Continued Access and Updates As Long As You Are A Member: Enjoy ongoing access to the program and all future enhancements, including access to future sessions.
  • Annual Enrollment Bonus: Save $696.00 when you pay for annual enrollment.

Are You Ready to

Create your new story with money and live the life of your dreams with The Sanctuary. If you're ready to transform your relationship with money, align your business with your true self, and breakthrough to success, don't wait any longer.

Join the Sanctuary cohort today and start your journey toward financial freedom and personal fulfillment. With lifetime access, a comprehensive digital toolkit, and a supportive community, you have everything you need to succeed.

Enroll Now and take the first step towards a life where abundance and satisfaction coexist.

You deserve a life that blows your mind.

I'm Kim McCarter, 6/2 Pure Manifesting Generator, and I'm designed to help you make you make more money. 

I help women entrepreneurs unlearn the disempowering thoughts keeping them from the life they dream about in their journals. 

In 2012 I was knee-deep in “the good life.” 

I was CRUSHING my role in Corporate leadership and making really good money while doing it. Simultaneously, I’d started my business (that would soon become my full-time gig) and became known as the wildly popular “Funnel Trap Queen,” helping my clients find profitability from their purpose and passions. 

Yet, I struggled to find my own. 

You see, even then, I’d always had this feeling of untapped potential. It felt like my impact was supposed to extend far beyond the work I had become known for. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I knew something was... missing. Sure, I lived my dream on the surface - pushing out quality content, working with impressive clients, making money, and winning an industry with a brand I loved. But in reality, I was working harder than any and everyone, hammering away one long, overworked day after another and living in (what seemed like) a luxuriant fog. 

Then one day, it hit me - I wasn’t fulfilled because I wasn’t aligned. And at that moment, I decided enough was enough

Do I even need to finish?

You know how this story goes. If we keep it all the way real, there’s a chance you’re living it right now. Like you, I was a determined woman who knew how to check the boxes and obtain success on everyone else’s terms. Yet somehow, all of that goal-slaying didn’t translate to God’s ultimate purpose for my life. It was an endless cycle of “set a goal, crush a goal, repeat.”

But then what?

How do you finally learn how to gain clarity, conquer your obstacles, and tap into your life’s purpose, all while channeling your aligned success path and finding your “flow” in life and business? 

I’ll tell you how - THE SANCTUARY. 

This process is your secret weapon. Your secret sauce. And in this journey, I'm your right hand (wo)man. And I’m damn good at it. Choosing to shift my mindset, destroy disempowering beliefs, and become more aligned with my purpose has helped me find the joy, fulfillment, ease, life satisfaction, and success I always wanted. And the best part? I get to teach women like you how to do the same!

You already have everything within yourself to show up in overflow for yourself and your business - daily. Let’s work together to build a life of purpose and prosperity - because you deserve it.

Our Monthly Training will help you discover your blocks, embrace your true self, and begin the journey towards creating the life you truly desire.

  • Learn to harmoniously blend your personal essence with your professional ambitions, unlocking paths to unprecedented growth and self-fulfillment.
  • Delve into a proven process to unravel and reshape your financial narrative. Overcome deep-seated money blocks, heal from past traumas, and awaken to a reality where abundance is not just a possibility but a natural state of being.
  • Harness the power of EFT, a revolutionary approach to emotional well-being, aligning your financial aspirations with a balanced state of mind and spirit, fostering a life of prosperity and inner peace.
  • Step into the realm of quantum manifestation. Learn to leap beyond conventional boundaries, collapse time, and harness the power of your subconscious even in your sleep, catapulting your financial reality to new heights.
  • Move beyond traditional money-making mindsets. Set bold, new benchmarks for your income, aligning your financial goals with your deepest desires, and chart a course towards a life of enriched prosperity.
  • Equip yourself with the resilience and creativity to thrive amidst life's unpredictability. Strengthen your financial and emotional foundations to turn challenges into stepping stones for growth.
  • As you ascend in your financial and personal development journey, The Sanctuary evolves with you. Continuous growth, fresh insights, and innovative strategies will be your constant companions in this ever-evolving path to financial enlightenment and success.


The Sanctuary is delivered completely online and is available for offline listening and studying.

There will be an audio lesson and guidebook released each month, plus  20+ hours of bonus content is included.

Once you have officially enrolled, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the member portal. From the member portal, you'll be able to access the program area and The Sanctuary Support Group.

This isn’t a once-and-done program. As you evolve, so will your understanding of the material. This is why I include continued access to the program and all of its updates for as long as you are a member. You’ll want to revisit the content again and again. This is what it means to recalibrate. 

The founder members begin on February 7. Your first monthly training will be released then. 

If each element of the program were sold separately, it would add up to over $10,000.

But that's not what you'll pay...

Enrollment in The Sanctuary is $3,333 when you pay annually, or $333 per month*. The monthly enrollment plan is only available to our founding members. Once founding member enrollment closes, we will only offer our six-month and 12-month member plans.

Oh, and throughout your enrollment, you will receive access to

The Sanctuary’s Resource Center...

  • Vibrational Wealth Mastery: A 10-episode audio series diving into transforming your relationship with money, healing past struggles, and aligning with the energy of abundance.
  • Energetic Wealth Dynamics: A 5 part series delving into the deeper mechanics of money's energy, reshaping your financial dynamics for greater abundance.
  • The Identity Blueprint: A 10 part series aimed at empowering your wealth consciousness, the power of energetic selling, and embracing your desired wealth identity.
  • Plus, the digital enhancement library features over 40 hours of visualization, mindfulness, and subliminal audio sessions, EFT tapping sessions, and my daily manifestation routine.

Each series comes with affirmations, journal prompts, and guided introspection, along with strategies and insights for rewiring the disempowering narratives no longer serving you and writing a new money story for your life. The Resource Center is collectively valued at over $6,000, and gives you the steps, strategies, and perspective to release your pure potential and elevated self into the world.

Ramona Butler

You do not have to be a coach or healer to get results in THE SANCTUARY! Ramona is a fitness expert and CEO of e-commerce brand, Ignians

"I decided to hire Kim and go through her money mindset program. Within 3 months of being inside the program, my business drastically changed for the better. This year’s sales for the first quarter were 115% higher compared to my first-quarter sales in 2020 and that is not all. If you are looking for a coach to help you turn down the unnecessary chatter in your head and turn up your Big Profit Energy - hire Kim!"

Ty Johnson Anderson

Nia Jackson

When your work is centered around building and engaging disciples for the Kingdom of God, it is important to have a sanctuary that will allow you to replenish your soul and grow.

"Kim McCarter has helped me in so many different ways. She has allowed me to learn different things so I can pour into my community and my clients wholeheartedly with more specificity, clarity, and understanding. But she also has helped me grow as a woman and flourish and know that I can have it all. I can do it all. But I only have to, if I want to."

Tiffany Giovanini

Often taking the first step, trusting that you have the power to change your circumstances, and having someone who believes in you, is all you need.

"While I currently don’t have a unicorn 6-figure launch story, yet, the shifts both in my business and life are priceless. Kim was the first coach to present me with guidance that felt aligned. She was the first person to tell me I can have it all, and I now believe I can."


PROGRAM PROMISE & REFUND EXCEPTION POLICY: I am confident that this is the curriculum you need to move into your next level of success. I created this offer for the woman entrepreneur committed to doing the work, not for those who want to come in, peak around and quit. This program will not be a fit for you. Typically, I do not offer refunds of any form on digital content. However, I know not everyone is ready for the level of change that will happen in The Sanctuary. Once you have received Phase One, you will have 24 hours to review it and decide if you would like to continue. As long as you have not accessed any of the parts of the program beyond the refund policy statement, you will be released from the program, access will be removed, and we will process the refund.

Jheanell Bloom

How would your world change if you knew how to create brave, calm, and reassuring spaces for your perfectly aligned clients even in times of uncertainty?

When the world shut down, Jheanell stepped up and fully began to embody the process to move her business to the next level. As a success and astrology coach for high-performing women, she used her genius to empower them through the world's troubles with a solid, proven strategy that changed how she will make money forever!

"Working with Kim has been life-changing. Before I met her, my passion for astrology was there, but I struggled to find a way to share it effectively without feeling drained and in a way that is profitable. I've not only transformed numerous lives but also generated hundreds of thousands of dollars, all while working around my children's schedule."

Jheanell hit BIG PROFIT ENERGY™ in just 9 months!

You’ve got questions, so I have answers.

Have a pressing question you need to be answered before enrolling in EMPOWER?

Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve been asked. If you don’t see your question for some strange reason, shoot me a message over on Instagram  or send an email to our support inbox so we can assist you. Cool?

Akilah A. Thompkins-Robinson

How would your journey change if you were in a safe space to explore your beliefs?

"Working with Kim showed me it’s okay to want more, want better, and to take up all the time and space I need to feel safe, seen, and heard. She understood blocks and obstacles I would never say in mixed company. I felt safe to speak openly about being afraid of having the whole black race judged because of things I’m going through."

Using the process, Akilah was able to release the cultural agreement "children are to been seen and not heard" that caused her to not show up fully in her business.

Ty Johnson Anderson

Ty "Sirene" Johnson-Anderson

Do you have the support you need to tear it all down and step into your wealthy woman identity?

Have you ever had an "it's time to get real with yourself" moment?

Ty had her moment shortly after the passing of her grandmother. It was then that a shift happened. Together we tore down her existing business and created a Profit Activation Timeline that allowed her to curate her desires in real-time. In less than 60 days, using the process she activated her Big Profit Energy."

Sirene went from over-processing, over-analyzing, and over-giving to making money with ease.